Stable identifiers |
Herbarium # |
W 1924-0003195
Collection # |
Stored under taxonname |
Sabia emarginata Lecomte
Family |
Det./rev./conf./assigned |
annot. J. Walter (W) 2017-01
Ident. history |
H. R. E. Handel-Mazzetti: Sabia emarginata; T. van de Water 1976: Sabia campanulata 'yunnanensis'; annot. J. Walter (W) 2017-01: = Sabia emarginata
Typus of | Sabia heterosepala L. Chen |
| Sargentia 3: 41-42 (1943) |
| Typified by: T. van de Water 1976 |
| Current Name: Sabia emarginata Lecomte |
Collector |
Wang,T.-H. Plantae sinenses curante Dre. Henr. Handel-Mazzetti 87 (link to CETAF Botany Pilot)
Date |
Location |
China / Hunan
Label |
Prov. Hunan austro-occid.: In monte Yün-schan prope urbem Wukang, inter 400 et 1420 m alt. s. m. ; Alt. 400 m
- 1420 m
Habitat |
substr. schisto argilloso
Habitus |
fl. albovirides
Annotations |