Stable identifiers
Herbarium # GJO 0028583
Collection # GJO 27062/1270
Stored under taxonname Carex ferruginea Scop.   tropicos
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
Family Cyperaceae
Det./rev./conf./assigned orig.
Ident. history orig.: Carex ferruginea
Collector wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Murr,Josef Glumaceae exsiccatae: Carices exsiccatae (A. Kneucker) 205 (link to CETAF Botany Pilot) 
Date 1899-08-02
Austria / Vorarlberg — 47.13917° / 10.15972°
Label [Österreich; Lechtaler Alpen oder Verwallgruppe]
Auf steinigem und grasigem Boden bei Stuben am Alfenzbach in Vorarlberg. Begleitpflanzen: Vereinzelt Carex ferruginea Scop. v. Kerneri Kohts, glauca Murr., Hieracium Jurassicum Griseb., subspeciosum Naeg. subsp. melanophaeum N.P., Carduus Bambergeri Tapp. (defl. x Personata), Crepis Oenipontana Murr (alpestris x blattaroides), Cirsium acaule x oleraceum, spinossisimum x oleraceum. Ca. 1400 m ü. d. M.; 47° 8' n. Br. u. 27° 30' östl. v. F.; [8826/4 (47°08'21"N, 10°09'35"E ±1000 m) Bezirk Bludenz, Gemeinde Klösterle] ; Alt. 1400 m
Annotations /further numbers on specimen: 1918/7290
/former part of other collections: Herbarium Michael v. Eichenfeld
/record created: 2007-03-14 by Trummer Emanuel
/record last updated (before import to JACQ): 2017-04-11 by Zernig Kurt