Stable identifiers (2024-05-26 22:30:02) (2020-02-25 08:40:34)
Herbarium # W 0299794
Collection # W-Hackel 1916-0021229
Stored under taxonname Setaria tenax (Rich.) Desv.   tropicos
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Flora do Brasil - lista de espécies (RB)
Flora de Cuba (BGBM Cybertax)
Family Poaceae
Det./rev./conf./assigned J. M. Rominger 1971
Ident. history orig.: Panicum sphaerocarpum; J. M. Rominger 1971: Setaria tenax
Isotypus of Panicum sphaerocarpum Salzm. ex Steud.
Syn. pl. glumac. 1 (1): 51 (1853-12-10)
Typified by: J. M. Rominger 1971
Current Name: Setaria tenax (Rich.) Desv.
Collector wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Salzmann,P. s.n. (link to CETAF Botany Pilot) 
Date s.d.
Location Brazil / Bahia
Label Bahia
Annotations Kew Negative No. 12224, 1971-03-08
[This specimen should have been stated as syntype, as two localities (Bahia and Paraguay) are quoted in the protologue. Later, Salzmann s.n. (MPU) has been selected as lectotype by J. F. Pensiero (in Darwiniana 37(1-2): 109. 1999), so that this specimen becomes isolectotype; L. Pignotti (W) 2009-04-03]

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