Stable identifiers
Herbarium # WU 0061264
Collection # WU
Stored under taxonname Polygonatum brachynema Hand.-Mazz.   tropicos
Family Convallariaceae
Det./rev./conf./assigned K. Bardy (WU) 2011-07-26
Ident. history Handel-Mazzetti: Polygonatum brachynema; K. Bardy (WU) 2011-07-26:= Polygonatum crytonema
Holotypus of Polygonatum brachynema Hand.-Mazz.
Symb. Sin. 7 (5. Lieferung): 1208-1209 (1936-09-15)
Typified by: Handel-Mazzetti 1936
Current Name: Polygonatum crytonema Hua
Collector wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) Wang,T.-H. Plantae sinenses curante Dre. Henr. Handel-Mazzetti 266 (link to CETAF Botany Pilot) 
Date 1919-04
Location China / Hunan
Label Prov. Hunan austro-occ.: In monte Yün-schan prope urbem Wukang. 400-1400m. ; Alt. 400 m   -   1400 m
Habitat Substr. schisto argilloso
Habitus fl. virides