Stable identifiers
Herbarium # WU 0067438
Collection # WU
Stored under taxonname Psychotria capitata Ruiz & Pav.   tropicos
Family Rubiaceae
Det./rev./conf./assigned A. Berger 2010-02
Ident. history A. Berger 2010-02: Psychotria capitata
Collector wikidata VIAF ORCID Bionomia Berger,A. AB 22021003 (link to CETAF Botany Pilot) 
Date 2010-02-22
Costa Rica / Puntarenas — 8.70094° / -83.17257°
Label Costa Rica, prov. Puntarenas, Golfito, Piedras Blancas National Park, Quebrada Chorro - ca. 150 m upstream of waterfall. ; Alt. 165 m
Habitat Growing along river edge in evergreen forest.
Habitus Treelet to 2 m tall, stipules, inflorescence axis & bracts white, flowers white, inside yellow.
Annotations Herbarium Abtlg. f. Vergleichende Phytochemie.
Voucher for: Berger, A. 2012. Distribution and systematic significance of selected secondary metabolites within Psychotrieae/Palicoureeae (Rubiaceae). Diploma thesis, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Vienna.